Okay, truth be told, we don't literally expect everyone to buy their next luxury home from us based on beer ALONE... Though we are always happy to share a pint in the process or after. But, we do find it fantastic how Matthew Zook and Ate Poorthuis were able to take geocoded data (hashtags and the like) on twitter to build these maps.
The geography of beer maps were built using data from 2012 and comprise about a million geocoded beer tweets during that time.
Apparently, down here in South Florida we are quite fond of Yuengling? Considering that it is the oldest operating brewery in the United States having been established in 1829, might mean we South Floridian's have a discerning taste for beer? It could also mean some great online marketing was taking place in South Florida. In either outcome, it helped shape the geography of beer map that you see here. For the record, I'm sticking with a discerning palate...
As luxury real estate data junkies, we can't wait to figure out how to integrate this type of data into the analytics we hope to be sharing in the not to distant future.
Here is a little more information about the folks who came up with the geography of beer.